Winter Ride to Lake Tillery

Winter Ride to Lake Tillery
View of Lake Tillery

I feel guilty even calling this a winter ride since the temperature was in the high 60' early February! It was such a nice day, I decided to head out on the back roads and go to the Boat House on Lake Tillery.

I love the area where I live. Tons of back roads that wind along farms, small towns, and other places of interest. It never gets boring. In fact today, I had to cross another bridge similar to Low Water Bridge.

If you look carefully, you can see it was damaged just like Low Water Bridge during that last huge rain storm we had. It appears to have been fixed recently judging by all the tractor tracks. The railing is till missing a rather large section though.

There were quite a number of abandoned homes along this route (I will get pictures next time out) and I found another old cemetery. The ride was not many miles but it took about 70 minutes to get to the lake (I was in no hurry).

The lake was wonderful. I got there just when the Boat House was going to open so there was not anyone there but me (even the bartender had not shown up yet so I was served by the owner?). I got a beer and sat on the deck taking in the views.

Enjoyed the sights for a while on the deck until more people began to show up. I was enjoying the solitude. Got back on the bike and took the same route back home. What a great afternoon and ride.