Wayward Calves

Wayward Calves
Calves on the loose!

Went out for a brisk and quick ride and while cruising down the road, came across a few calves that somehow got outside the fence. Slowly crept by them so not to spook them (too bad) but also did not want to keep pushing them down the road.

Calves on the loose

Got around them without any issue. The rest of the ride was uneventful. We did find another interesting barn so we took a picture.

A barn in disrepair.

One thing we did notice on our ride is that one section of gravel road we like to ride has now been paved. The road sneaks around a bunch of farm fields. We think that the farm is no longer being used and some developer has gotten their hands on it. I am sure they paved it so they can add another ugly subdivision of cookie cutter homes so close together you cannot even get a lawn mower between them. Oh well, guess that is progress....