Uwharrie Fall Weekend

Uwharrie Fall Weekend
Crossing Low Water Bridge

This really was not supposed to be an adventure since it started with me (Scot) just wanting to go camping locally since the weekend was going to be beautiful. Turns out, Kirk's plans changed and he was able to come out as well. On Friday, Scot left about noon while Kirk left about 5pm.

One thing we noticed while passing the local outpost (gas station/general store), there were a TON of Land Rovers. We looked it up and sure enough, the URE event (annual Land Rover event) was being held at the group camp in the forest. We both have attended this event MANY times so on Friday afternoon, before Kirk arrive, I stopped over to see many old friends. Many faces had changed but overall, still a core group of people we still knew. Stayed a few hours then headed back to the campground just in time for Kirk to arrive. He setup camp and then we sat down and ate dinner.

I tried a new recipe for dinner, Beef Chow Mein (will write about it soon). It really kicked butt. Very tasty and EASY to fix. Simple ingredients. In less than 10 mins, dinner. Can't beat that!

We talked, listened to music, and watched as other late arrivals found and setup camp. Finally the time came to hit the sleeping bags.

The next morning was a bit cool but very comfortable. For breakfast, eggs and ham. Real eggs and real ham and very tasty. After eating and getting cleaned up, we headed out for some trails.

I had a route picked out. The problem was I somehow got off track and what was going to be a 40+ mile run turned into 20 miles. This was my mistake and I am going back to my GPS file and making the corrections so it does not happen again.

We ended up in Candor and they had a nice pavilion where we ate lunch. They also have a public restroom! We finished up lunch and headed back. On the way back, we wanted to check out another possible campground (Yates). Well the campground was nothing special but the roads getting TO the campground were excellent. We just found another great road to ride.

Once we completed that road, we were heading back and decided to stop at the Bigfoot Bar and Grill. We wanted some refreshment and to check out the college games. I sat next to my new friend.

Me and my best mate!

When we arrived, they had a live band and a great crowd. We checked out the bikes and were able to see quite a number of vintage Harley Davidson bikes (as early as 1938). Some really nice looking bikes. We talked with the locals and finally decided to leave and head over the Land Rover outing since Kirk wanted to catch up with a few folks (also, we needed to get water).

We walked around talking to those we knew (and a few we did not know). They were getting ready for the group meal so we said our goodbyes and headed back to camp.

At camp, we started our dinner and just chilled the rest of the evening. We did watch a group roll in after dark and spend quite a long time trying to setup camp (I do not think they had setup their tent before). Once things quieted down, we headed off to bed.

The next morning was a slow and relaxed pack up. We were not in any real hurry. We stopped by the Bigfoot Bar and Grill for a bite, watched a bit of football and then headed back home. As I stated, this was not much of an adventure but more a weekend to get out (and get some riding in).