Tiger's Second Trip

Tiger's Second Trip
Some sights along the way

Ok so I need to get a bit more creative with the titles. Yesterday I gave the bike a 3 hour spin. Today, did the same thing but in a different area. In fact, this time, I actually planned out a route on my GPS prior to leaving the house. I tried to incorporate a few interesting sights along with some good off roading.

Today I opted to stay in Road mode and see how the bike handled. As I kind of expected, the ABS lights came on a bit especially on the loose dirt/gravel on the steeper inclines. The bike still handled quite well but I will be using the Off Road mode from now on. It just make the ride more fun.

Covered bridge

After riding a bit, came to the covered bridge and decided to have a snack. Walked around just seeing what was here. Obviously the graffiti artists have been here. interesting spot and it was about half way thru the ride.

Just like the first ride, the bike handled very well..even in Road mode. Again, I was not loaded down (still waiting on those racks). I still need to do some more road like this to get a better feel for the bike. Basically more practice.

Trip average

The distance of todays ride was similar to the first. The off road riding had a few more hills and turns but both trips were very similar. I did manage to record this route so I can quickly do it again with Kirk if he wants.

Another great day and another great ride. Looking forward to the next one.