Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day
Blast from the Past

With the entire day off and the weather holding, a nice ride was in order. I just had to make sure I was back in time for our family feast. The ride was not really anything special but a combination of various places visited before. The day was not cold but not really sunny either (in and out). In either case, it was not raining (going to rain this evening) so out the door I went.

At the start of the ride, I love seeing the road to gravel sign. I put the bike in "Off Road" mode and started heading down these off beaten paths. One of the more interesting sights was the old silo with a mature tree growing out of it. Yes, that tree is NOT behind the silo but actually in it.

Old barn and silo.

I love traveling these back roads. Not only for the riding practice and lack of traffic but for the sights. You see abandoned homes from the past, barns, silos, cars, etc. The pictures here are just a small sampling of what many folks miss by never getting off the main highways. I am sure there are tons of stories for each and every building we come across.

Many of the roads that I drove today meandered through tons of farm fields. All the crops are gone now for winter (mostly corn, cotton, or soybeans) but it is still a pretty site. Very serene. Nothing like a nice quiet ride in the country.

End of the line

Once the ride was over, I headed over to our local watering hole to catch up on the football game, the soccer match, and have an adult refreshment. Overall a fantastic day and cannot wait to go out again.