Testing Sub 30 Degree Weather

Testing Sub 30 Degree Weather
Giving the colder weather a test drive

With this arctic blast that is blowing through, both of us decided to give our bikes a try and weather that was sub freezing. Up to this point, the coldest we have driven was at 33 degrees. The current weather pattern, the high is 30 degrees.

We decided to head out and watch a football game at a local hangout. The temperature was 25 degrees. Overall, we were not cold. Driving, we noticed that our fingertips (and thumbs) were starting to get cold. These shorter trips are not so bad but I would not have wanted to drive 100 miles in this weather.

We were also lucky in that it was sunny outside. It was a beautiful day...just really cold. We did bundle up for the ride. I was more concerned with the inside of my helmet but I had no issues except the cold made my nose want to run.

I guess the next trip, we will need to try out sub 20 degree weather. Stay tuned!