Tank Guards

Tank Guards

This morning we drove up to the dealer to get our new Tank Guards installed on the bikes. With Hurricane Ian pushing north, the ride up was VERY windy (and cool). We got our appointment at 9am sharp.

While our bikes were in the shop, there is a fantastic restaurant 2 blocks away that has great food (The Sage Mule). We walked over there for breakfast. Kirk likes the Breakfast Burrito bowl and I like the Blue Plate Special. Does not matter as both are great.

While we were there, they called and said the bikes were done. Since we had finished, we walked over to take a look and pay. These new guards force the fog lamps to get repositioned (and yes, you need to buy the kit to relocate them). Great job.

FYI, there seems to be another "style" of engine guard out there. Our dealer could not get it. We have not seen one but have read a couple of posts about them. We are not sure if the new guard is better or worse. It does have an additional support that mounts to the frame under the seat. Is it stronger? No idea but many folks have complained about the bolt snapping. Looking at the new design, I would be more worried about my knees. In short, we cannot comment either way on the new style since we do not have it and have not met anyone that has it installed.

The ride home, we did not want to deal with the cross winds on the interstate so we opted for the "winding" route home. This takes us twice as long but avoids the major highways. It made a big difference on the cross winds. An enjoyable ride and since bad weather is coming in tonight (for the entire weekend), it was a nice 3+ hours riding today.

We are both very happy with the new guards and really hope that these will prevent any high costs breakages since we know we will dump our bikes more.