Tank Guard Bags

Tank Guard Bags
3.0 lt tank bags

After getting the tank guards put on we started to look for some type of slim bag that could be used there. Luckily a bag is made by Hepco & Becker. It is a very slim type bag (3 lt each). They are water resistant (not water proof) but is just enough extra space to put a few things.

Newly mounted tank guard bags.

I put in my first aid kit, bike cover, air pump, etc. Just a few odds and ends that I might need. The fit is great. There is a sleeve that fits over the angled part of the guard and then Velcro straps behind. Very secure.

They also do not stick out very far. If I take a spill, yes, they will get crushed but most of the items in there should be able to take a hit. I like them very much and have found them very useful.