Route 66 - Day22

Route 66 - Day22
Day 22

I slept like a rock last night. So quiet and comfortable. I got up at 6 and looked at the forecast. No Wind! Finally. But the heat remains. Going to be in the 90's.

Todays ride only has me going thru Little Rock and since it is Saturday, I doubt traffic will be an issue. I made coffee and ate a Pro Meal bar for breakfast. Last nights dinner was not all that filling (or tasty). Let me just say, dehydrated food sucks. I have tried so many kinds over the past few decades and I just do not like them. I am going to give away the last few i have or trash them. They may be light, but they are not tasty.

I got all packed up and was able to leave about 9:30 am. I was in no hurry. I only have about 320 miles to do today so I had no issues taking my time. I spent a good hour drinking my coffee on the porch of the cabin and looking at the pond. This is nice to do before others wake up.

Once loaded, I headed out. Just like before, just go I-40 East. Not hard. Not complicated. Traffic was light until after lunch. Then all the trucks started to appear. Nothing bad - just a bit of congestion due to trucks.

I stopped at a Loves and got some summer sausage and cheese and an apple to eat for lunch. That hit the spot. I found a small patch of shade and used it to my advantage. Once I had enough rest, its back at it again.

The countryside is the same...flat. It will start to change once I get closer to Tennessee. I have two big cities tomorrow. Memphis and Nashville. Again, its Sunday so I do not anticipate any issues. Just go East!

I arrived at the Memphis KOA.

The KOA allows you to order dinner. I got a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw and beans.

Total miles today? 312