Route 66 - Day 8

Route 66 - Day 8
Day 8

We stayed with another Bunk a Biker and it was quite pleasant experience. First, we both had our own rooms. The host kicked her kids from their own rooms and put us there.....felt bad but got over it quickly. The first thing we noticed when we got there was the animals. Tons of chickens. And guinea pigs. And pot belly pig. And cats. And dogs. It was great as all of them free ranged in the backyard and got along great.

When we arrived, unless the host states they will cook us dinner, we ask for the closest restaurant. She would cook us dinner. We had a type of goulash that was just made up at the time. Beef, pork, and a host of other ingredients. Very good. And very appreciated.

After dinner, she made a fire in the backyard fire pit. It was very nice as well. She broke out S'mores for her daughter and all had a great time. I hit the bed as I was exhausted. After taking a quick shower, I hit the bed. Woke up at 5:30. The household got up about 7ish. I had already packed the bike. Our host graciously made us breakfast of fresh farm eggs and Arkansas bacon (google it).

Our bunk a biker host

Wonderful. Around 9:30 we hit the road

We were north of 66 and decided to pick up the route in Yukon. There is a huge mural for Yukons Best Flour. Very cool indeed.

Yukons Best Flour mural

The one thing we noticed is as we migrate out west, the towns get further apart and a bit smaller.

WWII plane in front of the VFW

In El Reno, we found a WWII plane that was actually used in WWII (it was in front of the VFW),

A bit later, we went thru Hydro. There is a great gas station there called Lucille's.

She was considered the "mother" of the mother road. Build in 1927, it was both a gas station AND their house all in one. It has been restored very well.

The roads are hit or miss. Some are really nice while others are original. It can be a bit bumpy at times but reminds you just how old this road is. We hit at least two detours today. One, the road was essentially gone. The other was an easy work around.

We did happen to come across this interesting restaurant called The White Dog Hill. This is supposed to be a fantastic steak house literally in the middle of nowhere.

White Dog Restaurant

One huge issue today was traffic. There was a major accident on the interstate and EVERYONE decided to hop on the side road, 66. It was very slow going for quite some time. Once that was over, we made our way to Elk City.

There is a really cool 66 sign at the museum here. The museum, IMHO, is cheezy but the sign is cool.

Another Route 88 Museum...but the site is cool

We just hit the gift shop then left. We finally got to Sayre and there was one place where they built an underground tunnel for pedestrians to cross the highway. I guess traffic was a lot back then. Outside Sayre, again we found closed sections of the the original highway and decided to give it a go.

Very cool and our bikes can handle it.

We never did see Texola but in Shamrock is the cool U Drop Inn hotel. What a fantastic hotel. It is amazing.

We continued on to Groom to get a picture of the leaning water tower and then took a break for gas and to rest.

At that exit, we found a Cadillac Ranch wannabe but with VW bugs.

We kept pressing and finally made it to Amarillo. We found our hotel and checked in. We also found a local place called The Handlebar Grill. Very cool and bike friendly.

We got a meal and few beers then headed back to the hotel to get ready for tomorrow.

Total miles today? 291