Route 66 - Day 7

Route 66 - Day 7
Day 7

Last night we stayed in Miami, OK (pronounced Mi-Am-Ma). Our host, Jenny, was fantastic. We hoped for her to ride with us for a few hours but work got in the way. We did take her to breakfast a a local Miami joint (Buttered Buns Cafe). Food and company were both great.

After saying our goodbyes, we jumped back on 66 to head for Oklahoma City.

The roads today were a bit more advanced. Lots of 4 lanes and high speed (65 mph). One cool aspect of our map is lots of side trips. It would take us off the main 4 lane road to the parts of the original 66 that still exist today. These parts intermix the old road with the new road so you are constantly jumping on and off. I am not really sure why but I assume the new road is straighter that the original mother road but the old road still exists too. It is quite an experience and a lot of fun as well.

Today we found the Blue Whale. Just google it as the story is quite interesting.

When we stop, we take off our jackets, etc and leave them on the bikes. This time, I had a hitchhiker in my sleeve....but just did not know it. About 5-10 minutes later, he started stinging. I was able to get off the road in less than a minute and strip off the jacket. Yup. A yellow jacket but the damage was done. I had to yank out the stinger but basically took the entire venom hit. Little prick. Lets just say my arm is a hurting. Nothing a few drinks can't cure.

Just another store from the past.

After the whale, we hit Tulsa. There was a lot of interesting things in Tulsa but as usual, no where to park. All we could do it notice them and try to remember the cook things we see. Lots of motels and signs, gas stations, and old run down buildings. Still cool stuff but do we really need a picture of every single one? Just like all the murals. There are hundreds and hundreds. We are not going to stop for everyone (unless someone wants to give me a book deal to document them all).

After Tulsa, we saw the largest gas pump ever. We stopped for a break.

Got some water and a quick snack (no lunch needed today). After that, we did come to part of 66 where the bridge is condemned.

An yet another road closure

We did a quick bypass and all was good. A bit later, it happened again but this time the road was gone. Yup. They removed it. Again, we bypassed and got back on the main road quickly.

A bit later, we got to Pops. This is a gas station and store that features over 1000 different flavors of soda. Never seen so many bottles in one place.

We got gas and continued on. As we got close to OKC, we needed to get to our hosts house and needed to jump off 66 to get there (we will pick it back up tomorrow but most likely a bit further down the road).

We arrived at tonight's host. Its a farm of sorts with chickens, pigs, guinea pigs, dogs, etc. They showed us where to stay and we put our bikes in the garage. After unpacking, we had a few drinks and our host made us dinner (very nice of her). Now we are winding down and getting ready to head to Amarillo and the half way point of 66.

Total miles today? 236