Route 66 - Day 18

Route 66 - Day 18
Day 18

Woke up this am and went down to the office to get coffee. No free breakfast here so we ate a protein bar. Today we need to go the drug store but also visit the turquoise shop in town. Kingman is know for this stone and we wanted to give it a look.

The Roadway Inn

We took our time getting packed as the mileage is not that high today. We got what we needed from Walgreens (we also looked at their liquor selection) then headed to the jewelry store.

Kingman's turquoise store

They had a ton of turquoise. We shopped for while picking up a few items then headed to Holbrook. The weather is great and we headed out. We wanted to try and follow 66 when we could.

After 90 mins or so, we stopped to get gas and take a break in Seligman. We found a nice bar called the Black Cat.

Saw this across the street from the Black Cat

Great place. After a drink, we headed back down the road.

While driving, we has a skirmish with two prairie dogs as they could not decide what to do in the middle of the road. We also got to see a Road Runner. Although it was brief as it tore across the road.

We eventually made it to Holbrook around 4. Checked into the Wigwam and relaxed for a bit.

There was a steakhouse within walking distance and decided to eat dinner there. It was quite good.

It was fun walking back and seeing everything lit up. We usually only see it during the day. Very cool. We will get all cleaned up, charge everything, and wake up and head to Albuquerque.

Total miles today? 266