Route 66 - Day 16

Route 66 - Day 16
Day 16

We woke up as soon as it got light. We wanted to get out of our hosts home ASAP. It was disgusting. We packed and said our goodbyes and headed for the sign. We wanted to leave early to avoid traffic. It was a good plan. We did not have ANY issues. We got to the sign in 1:25 minutes. We got to Mel's Diner, parked our bikes, and had a HUGE breakfast.

Once done eating, we took our photos to mark the end of our route 66 trip...officially. Now we did NOT go to the touristy End of Trail sign. That is total bullshit and only there for tourists. The real end of Route 66 is Olympic and Lincoln Avenue.

We left and headed to the parts store. Kirk's bike is seeping a bit of oil and needed a top off. We found one and got that taken care. We then headed back onto the freeway in hopes that we will still not hit traffic.

We got lucky again. Smooth travels and no traffic to speak of. We just kept going until we hit Barstow. We found a room and chilled. We started planning our way back and what do you know...we got a room at the Wigwam hotel in Holbrook. So cool.

We will go get some food later and head back. I will take a long shower and hit the bed. What great trip so far.

Total miles today? 210