Route 66 - Day 15

Route 66 - Day 15
Day 15

After a good nights sleep in out hosts living room, we got up, got cleaned and packed. For breakfast we ate a protein bar. The funny part with these hosts is that they have a McDonalds Grimace cage. They want all their bikers to get in it for a picture.

We complied. It was pretty funny.

We left and headed back to Route 66. Today was another desert day. Lots of desert riding.

Flat and hot

As we followed, we also hit a closed road.

Yet another detour

We got back on the interstate to get around it. We pulled back off and the sure enough, still blocked. We went even further down and finally got past the closed road and continued through the desert.

This riding is a bit eerie like before. There is NOTHING out here. You ride for miles and miles. The scenery is interesting but it is hot. We were getting hungry and finally found ONE building called the Bagdad Cafe.

The worthless Bagdad cafe

We went food and one drink. Pass.

We kept traveling and then hit a place called The Barn. Keep in mind....we are driving long distances in the desert and out of nowhere, these bars appear. The Barn was a GREAT find. PBR on tap and good food.

Their menu was limited since the truck had not come but we got a good meal, great conversation, and then were on our way.

Still traveling through the desert, we finally got to the end. We had t0 get back on the interstate and we were trying to find out hosts location. We were to meet him at a restaurant called Corkys. We got there a bit before 5. He showed up about 5:45 (got caught in traffic). We had dinner then decided to get gas. After that, we headed to his house.

What a shock. This place was a dump. First, no lights outside. We could not see shit. Luckily we have done this so many times, it is not an issue. Inside the house, every room had boxes of crap everywhere. The bedrooms had crap on the beds. The host also had a feral cat which took a while to capture and put in his room. Then to top it off, the bathroom was disgusting. We decided to just put out our sleeping bags, go to sleep, and wake up at first light. We wanted to get to the sign before traffic.

We quickly said good night to our host and prayed we were going to wake up.

Total miles today? 276