Route 66 - Day 11

Route 66 - Day 11
Day 11

We woke up rested to a beautiful day. Got up and did our morning routine. Walked down to the porch and got some coffee and spoke with the hosts. A bit later they made us breakfast....Egg McMuffins. Fantastic. After eating and final preparations for todays ride, we said our good-byes and headed out for Arizona. We hope to reach Holbrook.

It is a bit of a haul but from what we have seen the roads are long and fast and the towns sparse so we should be able to clock in some miles without much fan fare.

We had to drive through Albuquerque. We thought the traffic would be bad but it was non-existent. Thankfully. Once we got thru the city, we had to jump back on the interstate. Again, this seems pretty typical in NM.

Grants, NM was an interesting town. Some fine examples of the past years.

Today was not that exciting. We did find this cheezy sign.

Photo op in Grants, NM

We did clock some miles as we ended up in Holbrook (about 300 miles). We did go thru some towns that were fascinating. The scenery was great as well.

We stopped in Gallup for lunch. Then we got back on the road and ended up at the KOA in Holbrook. We setup and cooked and now are just chilling. The WIFI sux and so I cam cutting this short (but the view is nice).

Sunset at the campground

Total miles today? 275