Route 16 to Wilkesboro

Route 16 to Wilkesboro
Route 16 from Charlotte to Wilkesboro

I had read a lot about Route 16 from Charlotte to Wilkesboro and figured on giving it a try. I hopped on my Triumph Tiger 1200 and headed out to pick up the route just north west of Charlotte from the outer loop (Exit 16).

In the beginning, it is a bit congested but as you get a bit further out, the road turns to 2 lane and becomes more fun. The ride is about 70 miles total (one way). At first I thought this would be a nice calming ride but I began to notice that these "small" towns that you must ride through are now not all that small.

When gong through Denver, traffic was backed up at this one intersection. I could not believe it. it is not even noon yet. Not a great way to start the ride but I get it. These towns around the lake are getting more popular.

After Denver, Route 16 makes its way to Newton-Conover. Driving through here traffic was lite. There are also some really nice homes here. I did pass in interesting BBQ place called Little Pigs (I will check it out at some later date).

As you continue up Route 16, you will get to the Oxford Hydro Station. This is a pretty cool landscape. I did not stop for a picture since not much water was running. Instead I found one with the water really flowing.

Oxford Hydro Station

Once you start getting close to Taylorsville, you can see the landscape changing (and it the temperature). The ride from Taylorsville starts to get interesting and very fun with some cool twisties and up/down hills. Eventually you get to Highway 421 and the ride is done.

Once here, I decided to head over to the Fast Lane Bar and Grill. Got a great burger and a cold PBR. The locals at the bar were great. Learned a bit about the area and just had an overall good time.

After finishing my meal, went outside to get headed home. Then I felt some rain drops. I look to the west and the sky was just plain angry. I decided to push my bike under the awning and before I could get in the door, the skies just let loose.

The skies decided to unleash the kracken

During this rain storm, a group of riders drove up. It was a charity ride and they got hit twice with this storm. Once in Boone and now here in Wilkesboro. They were all soaked. Needless to say, I decided to wait it out and watch the baseball game in the bar.

More folks entered the bar area and it started to become a party. Met some more folks from the area and had great conversation. There was also a lot of banter the bartender. Obviously they knew her and it was just plain entertaining.

Finally after about 90 minutes, the skies were clearing. I said my good byes AGAIN and headed back out 421 to home. The only issue was the storm ALSO headed out 421 to home. I got on my bike and had about 25 miles until I head south. After I left, I was slowing creeping up on the storm. I slowed but I knew I was going to catch it. I pulled over under a bridge and put on my rain gear. I started back and sure enough, I caught the storm.

I drove through the storm for about 6 miles until I headed south on 601. After driving 5 miles, the pavement was dry and I decided to remove the rain suit. Getting back on the bike, I headed south the Salisbury.

It was not too long and I hit another pop up storm. I pulled over and put the rain gear back on again. I drove through the storm and finally got to some dry weather. I pulled over again and took off the rain gear and continued on my way.

Eventually I made it back home. What an interesting day. 3 rain storms. It is NC and it is Spring. As they say, just give a few minutes and it will What a great day!