
Damage control!

Well I did a thing!  On our trip to High Country Motorcycle Campground we went for a ride on some gravel roads just out of Blowing Rock.  I came across some fresh loose gravel on the high side of a gradual left turn.  Totally rider error, front braking and too fast.  I laid my bike down and slide what felt like several yards but what ended up maybe being several feet.   The gear from Klim and hand guards from Hepco & Becker did their job and I and the bike were unhurt.  I yelled to Scot through the headset and he turned around to help me right my bike, you should never right your bike by yourself if you have help, no reason to potentially hurt yourself.  Scot actually almost lost it ahead of me at the same location but I was at the entrance of the turn and didn't see him.  An awesome ride and learning experience.