Power That Phone

Power That Phone
Anti Vibration Charging Module for the SP Connect

About 6 weeks ago I wrote about the SP Connect phone mount. At that time I did not wire it up for charging as I wanted to see if I really liked the mount first. Well, I really do like it. I have always used my phone for directions along with my GPS BUT I just have Google Maps talk to me through Bluetooth.

After getting the phone mount, I have found that I am using the phone more and also want to use the display more. The only issue is that running the display KILLS the battery. There have a been a few days where the battery is running low due to use. Also, I have found a few new apps that I really like and want to use them more while I ride so I bit the bullet and ordered the charging module.

The swap will be easy as it takes the same two screws as the original mount. Of course I will need to remove my side panels and run the wires under the seat but that usually only takes about an hour to two to wrap it all up. The one thing I did learn from all this is that when you order the charging module, pay special attention to the fine details. This module does NOT come standard for wiring to the battery but uses a USB-C connection.

Yes, I was a bit shocked myself when I read that. You also need to order the DC 12v Cable as well. I have bought a lot of products and this is the first one where a battery hook up was NOT standard. In fact, it is usually the other way around. Do you want the ability to plug it into a USB port, then buy this cable. I am glad that I saw that fine print but I still had to shell out some extra $$$ for that cable.

I will get it installed this week and everything should be the same except my phone will now stay charged AND I can leave the display on while I ride.