Pinlock Anti-fog Insert

Pinlock Anti-fog Insert
Pinlock anti-fog shield insert.

I have always had a Pinlock anti-fog insert on my visor. They work great and would not have any full faced helmet without one. Recently I noticed that my visor was getting a bit hard to see through so I decided to clean both the visor and the Pinlock separtely.

I took them apart (very easy to do) and first cleaned off the visor. I removed the visor from the helmet and gave it a DEEP clean. Once it was dry, I looked through it and realized that the visor was not the issue but the Pinlock was. The visor was crystal clear and scratch free.

I then grabbed the Pinlock and looked through it. There were all these spots and bubbles. I decided to clean it via the Pinlock instructions. Just mild soap and lukewarm water (1 part soap to 5 parts water). I gave it a good clean and after it dried, the bubbles and scratches were still there so I decided to just purchase a new one.

I will admit, riding without the Pinlock made my vision much better. Crystal clear but I also noticed on a few nights when the temperature dipped to the low 70s, my visor would start to fog up from my breath. I knew that riding without the Pinlock would be short lived but I enjoyed it while it lasted.

When the new Pinlock arrived, I cleaned my visor again and let it dry, I proceeded to take the Pinlock out of the packaging and also read the enclosed directions. This was the real shocker as I always had the Pinlock installed for me and NEVER once read the directions.

The first shocker was that these lens are NOT, repeat NOT designed to be used at any time except during the day. That's right. You are NEVER supposed to use a Pinlock at night or any low light condition. According to the documentation, the light transmission is less than 80% and that is below the US standard of 85% (Europe is 80%). So adding a Pinlock DOES inhibit your vision.

Next, you are NEVER supposed to installed a Pinlock on anything but a clear visor. That really does not affect me since mine is clear and I will never have a visor that is NOT clear. I just do not like tinted visors.

Do not leave it out in the sun for any extended period of time. That is what the manufacture says. Well, I am not going to remove my Pinlock depending on the weather. They state is has to do with the silicone seal. Personally, I left mine in year round and see no reason to remove it.

Now you can clean the Pinlock. I have noticed that dirt does get under the seal. It clean it, take it off the visor and just submerge in liquid soap and water (Dawn). Rince it off and let it AIR dry. Do not wipe it. That is the secret....air dry. By the next day, it should be dry and you can install it back on the visor.

So what it still fogs or you still have a visibility issue? Throw it away and get a new one. From what I have read, most last a season possibly two. At $35, small price for good vision.

So overall, I am a Pinlock fan. I cannot imagine the amount of fogging on the lens during the cooler months of riding. I was a bit shocked to read the details about the Pinlock but it will not stop me from using day or night. I think it is an essential tool that every rider must have with any type of full faced helmet.