New Local Ride

New Local Ride

After being out sick for a week, I was itching to get back out on the bike. This was the first day in many where I actually felt like getting on the bike and riding. The weather was perfect so I decided to try a new route. It is a bit out of the way from home but taking 45 minutes to get there was going to be enjoyable for me since it had been so long since I rode last.

Now this is not the first time i have attempted this ride. Its seems each time I attempt it, I screw it up. I did my homework this time and literally memorized it so I could ride the entire loop (about 40 miles) by heart.

Once I got to the starting point, the ride started as asphalt but about a mile in, the gravel began. I just enjoyed the scenery as there were a number of older homes in the area that made for interesting pictures.

One of the many homes I passed.

You could tell this was farmland...specifically cotton. Tons and tons of cotton fields everywhere.

Cotton as far as you can see!

The roads were fantastic. Nothing was really technical but just a lot of winding country roads through the farm fields.

Typical road and scenery for this ride.

Eventually I hit pavement again. But it was not long and I was back on dirt. I would guess that of the 40 miles, about 15-18 were dirt/gravel. But even many of the asphalt roads were tiny and winding which made for an interesting ride. I spend almost the entire day riding (from about 10am-4pm). It felt great to finally feel human again (and not sick) but also get back in the saddle and rack up some miles.