MoniMoto GPS Tracker

MoniMoto GPS Tracker
Monimoto Anti-Theft Device

We wrote a story Don't Lose Your Bike which talked about the MoniMoto GPS Tracker. We ordered it but had not been delivered in our hands so we could test it. Well it arrive this past week and we could not wait to install and give it a try. Here is what we did to get it all setup.

How Does It Work

A little history on how this works (this can all be found on the MoniMoto website - here is a good page and video). The GPS unit is ALWAYS on (the batteries last about 12 months). You just hide the tracking unit somewhere on your motorcycle. As long as the FOB is within range (they say 150 ft) of the GPS unit, the unit is disarmed. With it disarmed, you can start, ride, move, etc without any worry about setting off an alert. Once the FOB is moved away from the GPS unit, the unit is armed! Any movement and the unit will send you a text AND call your phone AND pinpoint the unit's location. This GPS unit actually calls your phone. This does require an annual subscription for cell coverage (about $49/yr) but that is very little to pay (in my opinion).

There is also an app you can put on your phone. It has many useful features such as how much juice is left on the batteries. It is also used for the initial setup and making changes to your unit.

Step 1

After unpacking the REALLY nice box, you will need to open both the GPS unit and FOB to remove the plastic strip across the batteries. No tools required! The FOB you can pull apart with your fingernails. Just snap it back in place. I immediately installed it on my key ring.

Before we go any further, we use this type of key ring.

Pull apart quick release key ring.

We ONLY place the ignition key on one ring and all the other keys on the other. These may include the new GPS FOB, panniers key, garage door, house key, and bike lock keys. With these separate, we do not have a bunch of keys banging up and down on the ignition switch. Also, we am not worried about keys popping off since it is ONLY the ignition key (the rest of the keys are in a safe pocket). This has worked out VERY well.

Step 2

Download the MoniMoto app to your phone. Once downloaded, just follow the prompts. Most of the steps are straight forward but we did have a one small issue when initialing connecting the unit and fob. We had to press the "rescan" option a number of times before it finally acknowledged that it is all setup. Not sure why it took multiple times but this may happen to you.

Step 3

Now that the unit is setup cond configured, you need to find a place to mount or store you unit. Feel free to test your unit out now to ensure it works but you will need to test again once it is on your bike to ensure it can still connect and call you. Just find a great hiding place that is hard to reach or see. Once mounted (you can use the included zip ties as they are removeable), now you are ready to give it a test.

Step 4

Time to test the unit. We left the FOB in the house and drove the bike to the mailbox (it is about 2000 ft away). When we got back to the house, the phone had already recieved both a text AND a phone call. We also verified the pinpoint location and it was spot on!


I know there are a lot of GPS trackers out there and this one is not the cheapest ($149). Plus, you need the $49/yr subscription. What I really liked is that it is SO easy to setup and install. I was a bit shocked that there were not a lot of app settings to configure but then again, keeps it simple for installation.

The shape of the unit is nice as well. It is a flat rectangular device so hiding/storing it is much easier. Try to find a good way to mount a sphere! We also liked the responsiveness of getting notified. In less than 90 seconds, got a text, got a phone call, and got an exact location.

Now some may not like the fact that you cannot ALWAYS see where your bike is. We do not care about that as much but it may also have to do with battery life. The 12 month life of the battery is fantastic (there are some units where you need to charge/change batteries every couple of weeks).

The only two negatives are the price and the FOB size/shape. It is a bit clunky. A wand vs. the rectangle would have been great.

Overall, we love the device and will tell anyone wanting this type of protection to purchase this device.