Level I Adventure Riding Class

Level I Adventure Riding Class
Lined up and ready to go!

This was my first adventure riding class. Yes, it was a level 1. Not necessarily a beginner class but the first in the series. I took the class at Mountain View Motorcycle Campground. Overall, the class was fantastic. It covers a lot of the basics from motorcycle fit, how to stand in the neutral position, climbing position, descending position, knee placement, etc.

Not only was it informative, it was also nice to get out with other like minded folks trying to accomplish the same thing. YouTube videos are great but cannot match live class time. I got many questions answered quickly and had demos as well. I recommend anyone interested in doing adventure riding to take classes.

Mountain View is a nice place to stay as well. I stayed in a cabin.

Nothing fancy but it was extremely comfortable. The bed was top notch and they supply all the linens. Just show up. It also has small fridge and a heater (which was need since it got into the mid 40's that night). They also have tent camping available as well. Just look them up on Facebook.

The class is performed on the property as well. The basic class was tough. There were many slow exercises that pointed out my many faults and where I need a LOT of practice. Did I tip over the bike? Many times. And I do not see it as an embarrassment but more like a badge of honor. We try, we fail so we try again until we get it right!

After our class exercises, we headed out on the trails. There are a TON of nice trails in this area.

Great mountain road for practicing

During the ride, we did stop at a local place for a quick snack.

Snack stop 

We then headed back to the campground for a wrap up.

Back at the campground

I really did enjoy meeting our hosts, the instructors, and those who attended the class. I intend on really practicing where I am deficient and hopefully getting proficient. I want to attend the Level II class but until I am master what I was shown, I will have to wait.

In any case, I really enjoy these clases and intend on going to as many as I can find to help advance my skill level.