Hef's Bar & Grill

Hef's Bar & Grill
Hef's on Thursday Bike Night

Headed over to Hef's on a Thursday Night to give their Bike Nite a try. This place is very easy to find and has PLENTY of parking. I also thought is was quite nice that they set out cones so there was a huge area just for motorcycles.

When I arrived, there was already a huge crowd. I found a place to park the motorcycle and found my friends. It seems that on Bike Nite, there is free food. There was a noodle dish with veggies and chicken AND you could also get a fresh grilled hamburger. The food tasted great so I imagine their menu must be good as well (but I cannot verify that).

They had quite a selection of beers on hand and PBR was one of them. The prices on the beers are also quite good too. I got a plate of food, a beer, and then just hung our with the group of folks I knew.

I also spent some time wandering around the bikes. There was quite a selection (again, mostly Harleys). I will admit that by 7pm, this place was packed. Also, I never did see any posted hours for Bike Nite but I assume 5-7ish. The food was no longer being served around 7-7:30.

I will definitely stop by here again NOT on Bike Nite to give it another glance. It was really had to judge what the place is like when a huge event like this is going on.

Hef's Bar & Grill
2518 Sardis Rd N
Charlotte, NC 28270