Handlebar Guards

Handlebar Guards
Installed Hepco and Becker handlebar guards

As a whole, the Tiger has plenty of protection but one area that both of us were concerned with was the handlebars. Yes, we know that laying the bike down is inevitable and we want to try to lessen any damage to not only the handlebars but also the clutch/brake levers, etc.

The Tiger already comes with hand guards.  They are a simple plastic design but are not really designed to protect from a hard hit. Before we had Bark Busters but after doing some research (Kirk), we found a pair of handlebar guards manufactured by Hepco and Becker that fit over the existing hand guards (fyi, you cannot purchase from them directly if you are in the United State...we had to order from MotoMachines).

These are a tubular design that mount NOT to the handlebars but to the handlebar stem (and the end of the handlebar). Note in the picture how the stem has two spaces to mount it flat on the stem.

Stem mounted guards

It looked like a very strong design so we decided to give them a try. Installation was VERY easy (maybe 30 mins). Just make sure to ONLY do one side at a time.

First step is to remove the existing stem bolts. These are TWO different sized hex heads (10 and 6 if memory serves).

Handlebar stem bolts

Once those are removed, unscrew the cap from the end of the handlebars (this is a different size hex head as well - 3 or 4 mm - cannot remember).

Using the enclosed instructions, attach the bolts, washers, and spaces on the guard and screw onto the stem (the instructions do have writing but the diagrams are great). And yes, you will replace ALL the hardware.

Stem installation

Now install the new handlebar end screw (remember Loctite).

End bolt with Loctite

Now just tighten it all up. We hand tighten all at first but then start cranking them down (vs doing one at a time). We did not have any torque settings to go by but instead felt how tight the other set of screws were and tried to match it. Yes, I know...not very scientific.

Once all tightened down, you are done. It is that simple and they look great as well. They really do not look like they were an add on but actually belong there from the start. Now these are a bit pricey but we feel it is worth to protect this one area of the bike that will take a good hit if dropped.

Installed guards