Givi Wind Shield

Givi Wind Shield

After putting close to 10,000 miles on the bike, I finally decided to look into modifying the factory wind shield. There is nothing wrong with mine except I am too tall. I am over 6'4" and the wind shield is just a bit too short. What happens is when driving at higher speeds, the wind still hits my helmet. This not only creates noise but also you can feel it on the helmet while you ride.

I first started researching the wind shield clip on.

Wind shield clip on extension

I really never liked the look. It was also a bit pricey (approx $115) for a piece of plastic. Then it hit me, can I get a bigger replacement wind shield instead? So I started to look. Low and behold I found a Givi wind shield that is bigger. With shipping and everything, it is a bit more cost ($160) but it is the entire wind shield.

Larger Givi wind shield

So I decided to get it. It arrived very quickly and installation was even quicker (just 4 screws. The real surprise was the size difference. I thought it would only be about 3 inches taller. It is more like 5! And what a difference it makes. The wind noise is almost non-existent. And I no longer feel my helmet being pushed around like before.

I do not have many miles on it yet and the real test will be when we take it on our Florida trip. We will rack up somewhere between 1500-2000 miles. Once that trip is over, I will post a follow up on this review.

So far, it is positive. The only issue that may concern me is that it is SO big, I may not be able to adjust the size to get enough wind flow when it is warm. We will see!