Getting Ready for Route 66

Getting Ready for Route 66
Preparing for the big Route 66 trip

We are only a few week away from our big trip across America. In preparation, we just had our bikes serviced. This included the typical oil/filter change but also a new set of tires and for some of us, new sprockets and a chain. Pricey? Yea but worth it if it keeps us road worthy.

One big change for this trip (versus other trips I have planned in the past) is that there is no plan. No reservations. No planned destinations (well, other than riding route 66 from start to finish). In a way it is very exciting but also a bit terrifying. I have never taken a trip without some type of planning. We are going to play it by ear. We intend to utilize the Bike a Bunker system (we have never used it before but hope it lives up to its reputation). We are also bringing all our camping gear so an open field, rest area, campground, or any patch of dirt will suffice. And lastly, hotels and motels. We could just get a hotel room every night but that can be expensive

One goal (at least for me) is to experience everything I can along the route. I hope to try a lot of mom and pop restaurants. I grew up eating in places like that. I currently live in an area where we still have places like that. You meet so many people going to the local places instead of opting for Bojangles or McDonalds. About six weeks ago we were up in the mountains and got hit by a good rain storm. We ducked under a businesses awning (it was a consignment shop) and by doing so, was able to spend some time chatting with its owner, a very lovely woman. That is what I hope to get from this trip. Meeting people and experiencing what is left of the true Americana.

I think we are both really looking forward to this trip but I also know it is not a cake walk. Putting in those kinds of miles on a motorcycle is hard but also very enjoyable. Riding on a motorcycle is not for everyone but I can say it gives you a perspective you will NEVER get from riding in a car. It may be wet or cold or windy or hot but it is also very exciting as you never know what awaits around the next bend.