Frosty Balls 2024

Frosty Balls 2024
Annual Frosty Balls Ride

This year I did the Frosty Balls ride. It starts in Rock Hill, SC and sounded like an interesting ride to be part of. There are quite a number of other rides that venture out on New Years Day. Some of the folks we know through the Assembly CLT Facebook group and others we have met locally were going as well so we all met up and headed out.

We arrived about 30 minutes before they were going to leave. There were quite a number of bikes there. We were not actually going to be part of this ride but wanted to head down and check it out. Once all the bikes departed, we left for another annual ride that is put on by a small group of local riders. This ride has no name but it started at a local grill and would take everyone straight through downtown Charlotte (via Tryon) and end up Lucky Lous Tavern for food and beverages.

The ride was really a lot of fun. There were about 25-30 bikes on this ride. We kept together and complete group for the entire ride. Bikes would stop in intersections to block off traffic until the last bike made it through. For the most part, this worked quite well except for one very impatient motorist. Needless to say the bikes won that round.

Near the end of the ride, one bike actually caught fire. He pulled off and many others stopped to help. Luckily it was a small electrical issue and was contained around the rear of the exhaust pipe. He was able to make it to Lucky Lous.

Here are a few snapshots that were taken during the day (some are a bit small...sorry). Overall the weather was fantastic, the ride was exciting, and the people were a blast. Cannot wait until next year.