End of Summer Ride

End of Summer Ride
On the Blue Ridge Parkway after completing The Devils Whip

With another nice Saturday upon us, two us decided to have another all day ride session. This time, we covered over 360 miles with riding saddle time of over 8 hours and 45 minutes. And what a day it was. The weather was perfect with temperatures around 85 and a bit cooler in the elevations.

The ride started in Concord and we rode up to Wilkesboro. We had lunch at Dooley's Tavern. The ride up is very pleasant with not a lot of traffic. We arrived for lunch around 11:45. Each time I ride up to Wilkesboro, I try to take a different route. You can only change so much without adding a TON of time to the ride. It takes close to 2 hours to get there from my house.

After we finished eating, we were heading to Nebo on a route I did just last weekend. My friend had never done it and since I thought it was a really cool ride, I did the route again (plus the fact that the rides ends VERY close to where The Devil's Whip starts). This beautiful route takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. Again, good twisties and nice view

Once in Nebo, we wanted to ride a "diamond" shaped route known as Diamondback. This includes a section of Highway 80 known as The Devil's Whip up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and over to Little Switzerland to ride US 226A. Here is a graphic I found of the route.

Diamondback route

Here was the route we took.

We did complete the route on 221 but I turned off the navigation since from this point, we were going to head home (and we were taking separate routes). Both of these routes were fantastic especially if you love tight turns. Next time I think I will do the reverse and go UP 226a and DOWN Highway 80 to see if it any better (or worse).

The only issue I have is my bike gearing is a lot different than a sports bike. Downshifting is not nearly as effective (ie: I need to use my brakes more) when going down hill. Its not really a problem. I think the real problem is the rider - me. I am not as experienced with twisties as I would like so there is hesitation in trusting the bike. This could be partly due to two near mishaps while doing tight corners. The bike did not get dumped but both times, while trying to save a wreck, I hurt my leg and foot (on both occasions). I just need to learn to get over it and move on.

Even with my hesitation in some situations, the ride was tremendous. I just ride my ride and try not to push it too hard or try to "keep up" with another person. Before we start, we have a designated meet up spot so WHEN (not if) we get separated, we will know where to find each other.

Both 80 and 226a are full of tight turns, off camber turns, some sweeping turns, and elevation gains (up or down). At the top, you ride the Blue Ridge Parkway and this section if very pretty with a few really nice pull outs where you can get a nice photo (as seen in this article) or just pull over to take in the beauty. I will admit that I liked the ride UP more than DOWN. That is one reason I want to switch it up to see was it the route I did not like or the fact that it was a steep downhill. Well, that gives me another reason to head up there and try it again.

The Diamondback is definitely worth a trip out there. There are other routes that are just as fun in the general vicinity. I think the best way to do this area is to stay for the weekend. That way you save the 4 hr ride over and back.