Disc Lock by Kryptonite

Disc Lock by Kryptonite
Disc Lock by Kryptonite

A few days ago, we wrote a quick story on "Don't Lose Your Bike" that talked about us ordering a GPS tracking system for your dual sport bike (or car or ATV or anything). At the same time, we also purchased a disc lock to help in preventing theft. Hopefully just seeing this on the bike will deter many would be thieves.

Locked up with the reminder cable in place

Kryptonite is known for locks. I used to have a U bolt lock for my bicycle that I used when commuting to work. They were tough and after reading tons of reviews, decided to try out their Evolution Disc Lock.

The one feature I really do like about this lock is that it has two bolt that slide through the rotor. Both need to be cut in order to remove the locking device. Most disc locks only have one bolt. We read a lot of reviews stating that the key is hard to put in and out and that unlocking the device is difficult. We disagree (at least at this point). Easy to open and close.

Attaching to the rotor was very simple. Slide it in at an angle and attach the lock. The lock is also very well protected to prevent scratching your bike (rubberized coating). The keyhole also has a protective cover that slides over the keyhole to prevent debris from getting in there. We also like that it comes with a reminder cable. One drawback is the reminder cable is on the short side. A few extra inches would have been very nice.

A disc lock may not be able to protect your bike from being lifted up into a trailer but it does provide a severe deterrent from the bike rolling away. Bikes are not cheap and to spend a few $$ in order to try and keep it safe is well worth the investment.