Close Call...High Side

Close Call...High Side
Almost did this...High Side

I just got back from Florida. Was down there for a few weeks helping out my brother. No, did not take my bike so it sat on the trickle charger for almost 3 weeks. When I got back, the following day, I decided to take it out and go for an all day ride on roads and trails that I know very well. Well, I thought I did....

The day was perfect for riding...about 49 degrees and sunny. I decided to do the long trail route which is about 67 miles. I took my time enjoying the scenery. Got a few more interesting photos.

I was nearing the end of the my ride (about 15 miles left) and suddenly the around a turn the bike started to skid sideways. Instinctively, I put my foot down (not saying that was right or wrong) and the bike popped back up and luckily I stayed in the saddle. Yes, that was enough to get my attention. I was only going about 40 mph on roads I have ridden many times. I did not see anything in the road (gravel, sand, pebbles, oil, etc). I honestly do not know what happened other than I lost focus for a minute.

My foot was sore and numb but at least I did not hurt myself, anyone else, or my bike. I am quite thankful for that. It did make me realize that you cannot lose your focus at any time. In a split second, I could have been hurt. It was definitely an eye opening experience and one I have not felt in quite some time.  Moral of the story, pay attention ALL the time. I am so glad that nobody was coming in the opposite direction or I would have most likely been hit.

After that little incident, I thought about calling it quits. Nope. I driven all the way out here and was almost done AND the one to the newly added trails to this route was coming up ahead. I wanted to complete the ride and I did. Just thankful I came home in one piece (and so did my bike).