Beef Chow Mein

Beef Chow Mein
Ham Chow Mein?

Let me first say, the picture is not beef but ham. Why? I forgot to take pictures while camping and making this meal. But in my defense, I did make this at home but used the same recipe I did while camping...just in the comfort of my kitchen.

We did not create this recipe but found it on the Outdoor Eats website. This is the site put together by Chef Corso who was a speaker at the Overland Expo we attended. This recipe is fantastic. Head over to his site and give the recipes a look. You will not be disappointed.

The recipe is simple (the real recipe not the once I used at home). All you need is celery, carrots, beef jerky, sesame oil, soy sauce, ground ginger and noodles. When camping, I prep beforehand. I cut up the celery and carrots and put in foil. I also put about 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoon soy sauce, and a bit of ground ginger into a small Nalgene container.

To cook, I put the carrots, celery, beef jerky (shredded by hand) and the oil/soy/ginger into my pot and cooked for a few minutes. I then added enough water to boil my noodles. I cooked until the noodles were done. I use rice noodles. Then you eat.

If you compare the two recipes you will see how I cooked was a bit different but it works and I think it is a bit easier. Either way, the food tastes great. Give it a try at home or on the trail. You will not be sorry.