Backpackers Pantry Meals

Backpackers Pantry Meals

List of the Backpackers Pantry meals that we have personally tried (and rated)!

Summit Breakfast Scramble

I (scot) ate this one for breakfast and overall, the taste was very good and it does have some kick (not hot sauce needed). I will say up-front that I am not a fan of these meals. Never have been. Been backpacking for decades and never used these on any regular basis (only as a backup just in case). With that said, here is my review.

I thought the cook time was a bit much. It seems that most meals I have gotten are approximately 10 mins. This was 7 mins, stir and then 8 mins. Maybe it was the beans...I am not sure. In any case, it was not excessive but just more than I expected.

As I said before, the taste was good. Maybe I mixed it too much but the texture/look was a bit mushy (again, maybe my fault). It did stay warm for the 15 minutes but then again, it was warm outside. Not sure how well it would fare in 40 degree weather.

The price was reasonable compared to other meals. Overall I would buy it again.

Summit Breakfast Scramble