Assembly CLT - Bike Nite

Assembly CLT - Bike Nite
Meet up at Fat Parrots

Both of us live near Charlotte and recently we were able to hook up with a local group of motorcycle riders that meet every thursday night. They have a Facebook page, Assembly CLT - Bike Night.

Typically they take a poll of which bar to meet at to start. Everyone meets there at 6:30pm (ish). It is a great opportunity to see lots of other bikes, meet other fellow enthusiasts, and share a beer if so inclined. After spending time talking and catchign up, they decide on where to ride next.

I can say that in the end, they ALWAYS end up at the Thirsty Beaver. There may be other stop in between but that the beaver is always the end goal. So if you have time and would like to meet other riders, check out their Facebook page and give it a try.