About The Site

After riding motorcycles all through college, I sold them when I moved for my first job (very cold climate, no garage, etc). Now that the kids are all grown up and moved away, I wanted to chronical my journey of getting back into the motorcycling.

This involves not only riding and trips but also things that peak my interest along the way. In some cases, that may be a lot of LOCAL rides and places of interest. In other cases, it may be traveling to different states and even different countries. it also may be interesting places to eat and drink. To me, I like the journey and I like to meet people.

I created this site to help chronicle what I am doing with my life while also allowing my parents to keep up with my antics. And in doing so, maybe someone else will get some benefit from what I have written. I am not a writer or even a good storyteller but I just write down thoughts and happenings when I have time.

I hope you find the site interesting and helpful.