Who Am I?

Day 1 - just bought my dual sport triumph

Been an outdoor enthusiast my entire life. My parents took our family camping since long before I can remember. Travelled all over the USA and Canada (and some Mexico). I spent most of my time on these trips fishing the streams and lakes of the area we were visiting.

In college, I got into motorcycles. I went to a school in the mountains and had unlimited trails to ride so I got a used dirt bike. Love that bike and loved riding the trails. I also decided to purchase a used street bike. The reasoning for that was out of necessity since I lived off campus and could never get a car parking spot yet there were TONS of motorcycle spots available.

After college, I got married and lived in an extremely cold climate and found that I was not riding my bikes enough so I sold them all. I did not ride another motorcycle until 2022...that was a 35 year layoff.

I still remained active outside as I hiked, backpacked (like a fiend), mountain biked, etc. I also got really heavy into driving off road with my Land Rover. I did that for many years but due to lack of good trails and many of my friends no longer being interested in the 4WD lifestyle, I ended up selling my rover.

It was not until the Pandemic and my kids out of college that I started to get interested in getting a dirt bike again. I started researching and come to find out, they have these called "Adventure Bikes". Sounded great and I started looking at all types. Then one evening I met a friend for a drink and found out that he had one (we had lost contact for while during the pandemic). I talked to him about it and after doing my research on my own, decided to purchase a motorcycle as well.

Since then, we have been conspiring to do some trips, camping, etc. and that is how this essentially got going. So do I have any adventure riding experience? Some. Off road experience? Yes, a ton from the east coast to Moab. Camping experience? Yes, my whole life. I used to lead backpacking trips for many years as well. I have even been wilderness first aid trained..ok, that was a while ago but I do know how to apply sutures...lol.

Me personally, I love animals (dogs and horses especially), heavy metal music, fishing, and being outdoors. Did I mention I love heavy metal music?