A New Website Section - Dives

A New Website Section - Dives
Cool bar setup

We added a new section to the website called "Dives". We really like finding new local mom and pop places. These are typically bars or bar/restaurants. As we travel around, if we see an interesting out of the way spot, we give it a try.

What we typically look for is a Mom and Pop shop. No chains.

We also want good prices. We do not want to pay $6 for beer or $15 for gourmet french fries.

We like a place that actually has a sit down bar. It can have tables as well but we prefer to sit at a bar. Why? Easy to talk and meet folks.

Lastly, we like the place to be friendly. We have met quite a number of interesting folks while eating and having a beer.

So how do we find these places? The main way is by riding our bikes...everywhere! We will be out riding and pass by a place that looks interesting (could be a bar, could be a restaurant, could be both). We take note of it (either writing down the name or marking it on the GPS). Then at some point, we go back and give it a try.

Another way we have found places is by talking to patrons in some of these places. They tell us about other places just like the one we are in. We write that down and at some point will make an effort to try it out.